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Christian Counseling

We welcome people of all religions, denominations and spiritual paradigms, and our therapists will authentically and professionally engage with each of our clients to facilitate healing, growth, and more abundant lives. Several of our therapists are Christians who specialize in integrating faith with evidence-based treatments, and all of our therapists appreciate that religion and spirituality play a central role in many people’s lives.


For clients who wish to incorporate their faith into their treatment, it is our goal to help them leverage the strength and healing available within their religious tradition. Psychological studies have indicated that integrating a person’s faith into their counseling can improve treatment outcomes*, and we recognize that for many people, faith is an indispensable source of hope and healing when facing difficulty.


While the term “Christian Counseling” has been defined in multiple ways, our approach when working with Christians is to integrate a biblical understanding of human nature and growth with scientifically-based psychotherapy approaches. This means that our Christian therapists provide treatments that adhere to the highest standards of professional practice, while doing so from the perspective of a Christian worldview. As our therapists join each client on their journey of healing, therapy can become an important component of the sanctification process, and our therapists remain mindful of our clients’ spiritual needs in addition to their emotional, relational and psychological needs.


*For a good review: "Religion and Spirituality" by Worthington, Hook, Davis & McDaniel (2011).

Be very careful, then, how you live -- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity [kairos]...

Ephesians 5:15-16

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